a sporting choice

Water will always fall, but you don’t have too. You are skyscrapers dancing with the clouds. Your song is as sweet as the birds that dance with you. - Author Unknown

I don't mean to put you on the spot, but…are you challenging yourself? Do you think you're going to get in NBA shape just by playing pick-up games at the park, or are you going to continue with the same routine for six more years until it's too late? The $64-million question: Is it worth it?

It’s all in the sporting choice which encompasses everything we love about sports. The big game, the big play, a great catch and touchdown. Most of us have memories from playing sports as kids. Some realize their passion for sport earlier than others.

Did you start playing sports when you were just a kid?

Did you choose it yourself? Or was it because your parents pushed you into it?

Regardless of when it began and whether you played because your parents forced you or because. you started as a child, there are many reasons to play.

Playing sports…

  • …is a great way to stay active and helps to keep muscles fit

  • …builds community by bringing people together and builds relationships

  • …promotes physical and mental health and keeps your heart healthy

  • …keeps your skin looking fresh and glowing helping you to look and feel younger

  • …helps you earn college scholarships, gain valuable skills, and to help pursue your educational goals

Sports play an important role in the lives of many people and athletic scholarships are equally as important, especially in underserved communities where access to higher education may be limited due to financial constraints. From youth sports to professional leagues, athletics provide an opportunity for people of all ages to come together and enjoy the thrill of competition. Whether it's running a marathon or playing a pickup game with friends, sports can be a great way to stay healthy and have fun.

So, no matter when you started participating in sports, you are at an advantage. Whether you choose to remain in the sport you started or participate in another sport, any athletic activity has a positive impact on your physical health, And remember, athletics provides educational opportunities and fosters strong relationships between you and the community.


tips for a successful sporting season

