Soul of the South Sports Empowers Local Communities with Winter Gear Donation to Schools

Shreveport, Louisiana — November 15, 2023

Soul of the South Sports is proud to announce its recent initiative to give back to the community by donating winter gear to local schools. With the onset of colder months, this charitable effort aimed to provide essential warmth to students and foster a positive impact on their education and well-being. The donations included a variety of winter essentials such as blankets, gloves, hats, socks, hand lotion, and lip balm. These items are intended to support students in need and ensure they can comfortably attend school even in the coldest weather conditions.

Soul of the South Sports recognizes the importance of a conducive learning environment and believes that access to proper winter attire is a key factor in promoting attendance and academic success. This initiative aligns with our commitment to being a responsible and caring member of the community. We understand the challenges that many students face, especially during the winter season, and we want to contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive educational environment.

The impact of this donation extends beyond the immediate relief provided during the winter months. By ensuring that students have the necessary gear to stay warm, Soul of the South Sports aims to foster a sense of community and inspire future generations to engage in acts of kindness and generosity.

BELOW…Local school administrators and educators have express their gratitude for the donation, emphasizing how it will positively influence both the current and future well-being of their students.


  • Turner Elementary/Middle

    "We are grateful for the kindness of Soul of the South Sports and their commitment to all students. They are definitely part of the village that it takes!"

    Dr. Darrell Webb, Principal

  • Caddo Middle Career & Technology School

    "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

    Josh Sims, Principal

  • J.S. Clark Elementary

    "The support JSC has received from Soul of the South Sports has been phenomenal. To have an organization understand the importance of equipping students with winter essentials speaks volumes about this organization. These donations will help our babies stay safe and warm through this winter season. We are truly grateful."

    Dr. Kenya Claiborne-Roberts, Principal

  • Meadowview Elementary

    "It was a great sight to see a community organization and city officials come together to help kids they'd never met! Soul of the South Sports did a great thing and we look forward to continuing a relationship with them!"

    Jason Ogunyemi, Principal

Discover the warmth of giving by participating in our initiative: Fill the Backpack Winter Clothing Drive for underprivileged students. As the chill settles in, countless young minds lack the proper winter attire to brave the cold. Your generous donations can make a significant impact, providing not only scarves, hats, and gloves but also a sense of care and compassion. Join us in creating a cozier winter for students. Every contribution warms more than just bodies—it warms hearts and fosters a community where empathy thrives. Donate today and be a part of spreading the warmth of kindness.